Introduction We are committed to eliminating acts of modern-day slavery and human trafficking within our business and from within our supply chains. Our annual turnover is under £36 million and although we are not legally obliged to report on slavery and

human trafficking, this statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2016.

Organisational structure, business and supply chains We are a facilities Managing company providing hygiene, fire maintenance and protection as well as general building and fabric facilities to various sectors operating solely within the UK. Our business comprises of one head office support based at the following address:

Ground Floor Office, Unit 1 Loughton Business Centre, Langston Road, Loughton, IG10 3FL. Our supply chains are all UK wholesale. None of our materials or supplies are sourced directly from manufacturers.

Policy on slavery and human trafficking We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or in our supply chains. This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our supply chains.

Due diligence We consider ourselves to be a ‘low risk’ business with regard to slavery and human trafficking. However, we foster a culture that encourages the identification and reporting of any such risks within our business. We recruit all our employees either directly or through recruitment agencies who are members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation. We do not recruit from outside the UK or use agency workers.

Assessing and managing risk We have a whistleblowing policy in place and, as part of our efforts to identify and mitigate risks within our supply chain, we are introducing systems to identify, assess and monitor potential risk areas.

Effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure that all those in our supply chains comply with our values we are putting in place a supply chain compliance programme that will require our suppliers to confirm that they have a slavery and human trafficking policy in place and that they require the same from their suppliers.

Training It is the responsibility of all employees to report any reasonable suspicions of illegal employment and exploitation of employees and it is UK FM Services Ltd policy that an employee should not suffer as a result of reporting reasonably held suspicions and there must be no lawful discrimination on any grounds. We are providing appropriate training to ensure that relevant employees understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. Employees are encouraged to raise concerns; these include but are not limited to:

-Any suspected or actual act of slavery or servitude

-Any suspected or actual act of forced or compulsory labour

-Any suspected or actual act by a supplier of goods or services of illegal employment or exploitation.

This statement will be updates annually.

Name: Steve Pierson

Position: Company Director

Dated: 07/01/2025


Its is our policy that all employment decisions are based on merit and the legitimate business needs of the organisation. The aim of the policy is to ensure no job applicant or employee is discriminated against either directly or indirectly on any unlawful grounds.

The Company has overall responsibility for ensuring that this policy is implemented in accordance with the appropriate statutory requirements and full account will be taken of all available guidance and in particular any relevant Codes of Practice.

The Company will ensure that the policy is circulated to any agencies responsible for its recruitment and a copy of the policy will be made available for all employees and made known to all applicants for employment.

UK FM Services Ltd is committed to developing a rich culture, a diverse workforce and healthy work environment in which every employee is treated fairly, is respected and has the opportunity to contribute to the success of the company, while having the opportunity to achieve their full potentials as individuals no matter their gender, race, colour, disability, identity, neurodiversity, age, nationality, union affiliation and religion.

The policy will be communicated to all private contractors reminding them of their responsibilities towards the equality of opportunity.

The Company will maintain a neutral working environment in which no worker feels under threat or intimidated.

The intention is to enable all our staff to work in an environment which allows them to fulfill their potential without fear of discrimination. Discrimination is unacceptable and breaches of the policy will lead to disciplinary proceedings and, if appropriate, disciplinary action. UK FM Services Ltd commitment to equal opportunities extends to all aspects of the working relationship including; recruitment and selection procedures, terms of employment, including pay, conditions and benefits.

Name: Steve Pierson

Position: Company Director

Date: 07/01/2025


UK FM Services Limited is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment, preventing pollution and complying with all relevant Environmental legalisation, regulations and other Environmental requirements.

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

  • Minimise the use of energy, water and natural resources
  • Minimise waste through prevention, re-use and recycling where possible
  • Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power requirement
  • Dispose of waste safely and legally
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company
  • Prevent Environmental damage and minimise nuisance factors such as noise and air pollution

UK FM Services Ltd.’s Environmental aspects and impacts are significantly less than businesses that are producing or transporting goods, but they exist and need to be measured and targets for reduction set. Activities such as Engineers travelling to site impacts air pollution and Global Warming from the aspects of vehicle emissions and fuel consumption. By measuring carbon emissions, the Company endeavours to monitor its impact on the Environment and will drive to cut emissions by challenging our employees to reduce air pollution by further increasing the use of public transport over private cars for business travel. 80% of journeys at the moment are by hybrid vehicles. We intend for 2025 to cut this to 50% of journeys to be made in electric vehicles or by public transport.

Computer usage in our office space consumes power impacting air pollution and global warming. By reducing utility spending over the next 24 months, UK FM Services are looking to reduce the scope of emissions by 20%.

UK FM Services will ensure that at least 60% of its spend sourced from suppliers, are in fact ISO 14001 accredited or certified carbon neutral.

UK FM Services will eliminate the use of single plastics within the organisations at events for example.

We will regularly evaluate progress.

As part of UK FM Services’ Net Zero commitment, any remaining unavoidable emissions shall be offset annually through utilisation of high-quality accredited carbon offset programmes, verified to a recognised global standard-for example planting trees and introducing programmes which will reduce burning of fossil fuels.

We are committed to providing relevant Environmental training and promoting Environmental awareness to employees and, where appropriate, to suppliers and to communicating our Environmental performance.

We will implement processes to prevent Environmental non-conformities and to ensure that we are prepared to deal with potential Environmental emergencies.

This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to take account of organisational priorities and changes, Environmental legislation and best practice.

Name: Steve Pierson

Position: Company Director

Date: 07/01/2025


What is a code of ethics and conduct?

This Code reaffirms UK FM Services Ltd’s commitment to assuring service quality while maintaining the highest standards of professional and business conduct.

The Code is an ever-evolving document that will be modified as required.

Who needs to comply with the code?

The present Code applies to all employees within the framework of their responsibilities and their business relations with suppliers, sub-contractors, consultants and clients (collectively, “the suppliers”).

Respecting the code

The Code covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. It does not cover every issue that may arise, but sets out basic principles to guide employees of the Company. All employees must conduct themselves accordingly and seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behaviour. Furthermore, all employees are required to ensure that their personal and professional dealings are conducted in an honest and ethical manner and are free of any deceitful, fraudulent or illegal activities.

It is incumbent upon all employees to read, understand and comply with the provisions of the present Code and to report any potential infraction with regards to its content. Respect and application of the Code constitute a condition of employment at the Company, both upon being hired, and on an ongoing basis throughout the duration of employment. The responsibility is not limited to compliance with the present Code, but also includes the obligation to report any real or apparent violation of the Code to an immediate leader or directly to the one(s) who has (have) authority of the Code.

Reporting any activity that contravenes the Code will, whenever possible, be treated in strict confidence, in compliance with the company’s responsibility to resolve the problem. A breach may affect an employee’s performance evaluation. Any violation of the provisions of the present Code could lead to disciplinary measures and result in dismissal, as well as in a civil or criminal lawsuit or other regulatory measure.

Acting with honesty, integrity and professionalism

In order to gain and maintain the confidence and respect of all, every employee must ensure that the principles of honesty, integrity and professionalism are inherent in all their decisions, and in what they communicate (verbally or in writing) and do. In order to maintain a commitment to confidentiality, information must be shared only with those who legitimately require it and within the framework of a specified objective. Remaining objective and independent in the execution of one’s work is fundamental to the attainment of our organizational goals. All employees must assume their professional and personal responsibilities in order to avoid situations that could lead to real or apparent conflicts of interest or any form of favouritism.

Abuse of power or influence, personal prejudice, conflicts of interest or bias cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. The acceptance of gifts, entertainment, sums of money and other rewards may also create a conflict of interest. As well, manipulation, deceit, suppression, abusive use of information, inaccurate assertion of facts or any other inequitable behaviour is contrary to the present Code.

Executing quality work diligently and according to one’s qualifications

All tasks must be carried out according to the norms, policies, procedures and techniques that comply with the prescribed demands of all positions. Sound professional judgment remains the cornerstone of the daily execution of tasks and responsibilities related to one’s position.

Going beyond one’s level of knowledge, capacities or competencies constitutes a risk that no employee should take, in order to ensure the proper functioning, reputation and quality of our services. UK FM Services Ltd is committed to supporting its employee’s professional knowledge, capacity and competency, as such, managers would like to hear from all employees if it is felt a task is outside of their knowledge base.

Offering a healthy and stimulating environment

It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure that our work environment is founded on mutual trust and respect, and that it fosters a spirit of collaboration and professional development. Sharing ideas and knowledge with co-workers allows all employees to increase their capacity for growth and development, and to contribute to the growth of the organization.

Moreover, the Company is committed to offering an equitable working environment that is exempt of any form of discrimination and harassment against any group or individual.

Everyone is expected to act with fairness, objectivity and equity, which are the norms of personal and professional conduct in a diverse environment.

All employees are expected to ensure their own safety and well-being, as well as the safety and well-being of others in their workplace, while remaining informed of and complying with the local policies, guidelines and procedures governing health and safety. All employees are responsible for reporting and acting upon any threats to the well-being and health and safety of the Company’s employees and the security of its premises.

The Company respects the private lives of its employees; however, being under the influence, and the possession, of illegal drugs in the workplace will not be tolerated. Company employees should report to work in a condition to perform their duties, free from the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.

Respecting material assets

All employees are expected to protect the Company’s assets, which shall be used solely for professional ends and not for any form of personal gain whatsoever. The Company and its employees are committed to protecting the environment, promoting energy-efficient practices, using material resources efficiently and recycling.

Theft, deliberate damage to property, as well as negligence and improper use or abuse of material assets will be considered misconduct. Omitting to report any malfunctioning material is considered a wrongful act vis-à-vis the proper functioning of our operations.

Social media

The use of social media for personal purposes must be made in respect to the loyalty obligation that falls on any employee of the Company.

In the context of personal use of social media, the employee:

  • Must use their personal email address and speak on their behalf;
  • Can specify on their profile that they work for the Company, but must refrain from making any statement which could harm the image of the Company;
  • Should never appear as spokespersons authorized by the Company;

Reporting Illegal or Unethical Behaviour

The Company has a strong commitment to the conduct of its business in a lawful and ethical manner. The employees are encouraged to talk to supervisors, managers or other appropriate personnel about observed illegal or unethical behavior and when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation. It is the policy of the Company not to allow retaliation for reports of misconduct by others made in good faith. It is, at the same time, unacceptable to file a report knowing that it is false. All employees are expected to cooperate in internal investigations of misconduct.

Compliance Procedures

All employees assist in ensuring prompt and consistent action against violations of the Code. In some situations it is difficult to know what to do. Though we cannot predict every situation that will arise, these are the steps and guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you have all the facts. In order to reach the right solutions, we must be as fully informed as possible.
  • Ask yourself: What specifically am I being asked to do? Does it seem unethical or improper? Use your judgment and common sense – if something seems like it might possibly be unethical or improper, it probably is.
  • Clarify your responsibility and role. In most situations, there is shared responsibility. It may help to get others involved and discuss the problem.
  • Discuss the problem with your manager. This is the basic guidance for all situations. In many cases, your manager will be more knowledgeable about the question and will appreciate being brought into the decision-making process. Remember that it is your manager’s responsibility to help solve problems.
  • Seek help from Company resources. In the case where it may not be appropriate to discuss an issue with your manager or where you do not feel comfortable approaching your manager with your question, discuss it locally with Bupa on the confidential phone line given at inductions. If that is not appropriate for any reason, contact a member of the senior leadership team.
  • You may report ethical violations in confidence and without fear of retaliation. If your situation requires that your identity be kept secret, your anonymity will be protected. The Company does not permit retaliation of any kind against employees for good faith reports of ethical violations.
  • Always ask first, act later: If you are unsure of what to do in any situation, seek guidance before you act.

Our Responsibilities

This Code is to serve as a guide to better cope with the realities and challenges of our work. Employees can make a difference by applying its principles on a day-to-day basis. At UK FM Services Ltd, we value our employees and know that you are all responsible adults who are committed to doing great work for the people we serve. These guidelines are simply meant to serve as a reference and we encourage you to come and speak with your manager about any questions or concerns. These guidelines have been created to be transparent with our employees about our practices, procedures and expectations and should serve as such.

Observance of this Code is the basis of our mission, vision and common values. All employees are asked to read this policy annually and confirm their adherence to it.

Name: Steve Pierson

Position: Company Director

Date: 07/01/2025


UK FM Carbon Emissions Report 2024